Welsh Microwave Optics Set

A large number of demonstrations of electromagnetic radiation are possible with the Microwave Optica Kit. Accompanying this kit is a large wall chart which is depicted on the next page and which aids in explanation of many of the demonstrations.
Typical experiments which can be performed with the kit include transmission of microwaves and field configurations in waveguides, feed horn patterns, wavelengths in waveguide and free space, beam reflection and refraction, standing waves, interference, diffraction. These and many more are described below.
A diagram of the kit labeling its various components is given on the next page, following which the initial turn-on instructions and descriptions of the components is given.

Chart of Electromagnetic Radiation

Diagram of Microwave Optics Kit


At the extreme left of the kit is the power supply, indicating meter and audio unit. Next to it is the main waveguide containing the klystron, variable flap attenuator, the frequency meter and the sliding probe on the slotted waveguide section. The electronic box with meter contains a regulated power supply for the klystron, audio modulating voltages, and a high gain audio amplifier. These components are described in more detail in the next section.
Be sure that the klystron is firmly seated in the tube socket by applying moderate pressure to its upper portion.

Turn-On Procedure

  1. With the "Repeller Voltage" in the OFF position, plug in the power cord to a 115 V, 60 Hz outlet.
  2. Set the "Audio Volume" to OFF.
  3. Set the "Electronic Tuning" to OFF.
  4. Turn the "Repeller Voltage" clockwise to turn on the unit, then wait one minute for warm-up.
  5. Place the Variable Flap Attenuator at 30db.
  6. Place the Frequency Meter to its maximum closed position by GENTLY turning the micrometer to its maximum clockwise position (looking down).
  7. Loosen the locking screw on the Sliding Probe and place the probe at its extreme right hand position on the parallel rails.
  8. With the rib side up, attach one of the small waveguide horns to the end of the waveguide. This is referred to as the transmitting horn. (The screws should be finger tight; two screws are adequate for most experiments.)
  9. Attach the other horn to the crystal detector in similar fashion. This is the receiver horn. Attach the coaxial cable to the receiver assembly.
  10. Set the Variable Flap Attenuator to 12db, and slowly turn the Repeller Voltage knob through its entire range noting the meter indications. Place it in the position which gives maximum reading. The adjustment is quite sensitive. If the meter goes off scale (above 100), too much power is being used and the life of the crystal will be shortened. Reduce the power by adjusting the attenuator to a higher db level to give a meter reading of 50.
  11. To operate the audio circuitry, turn the "Audio Volume" switch to its ON position and adjust volume.

When modulation other than the 1000 Hz internal audio signal is desired, it can be connected on the rear of the cabinet at the jack labeled "EXT. MOD."
The received audio can be displayed on an oscilloscope at the OUTPUT jack.
The crystal detector can be placed on a tripod and moved about the room for some experiments.
A circuit breaker in the primary of the transformer will open if an overload occurs. Wait for the breaker to close again, then push the red reset button at the rear of the cabinet. If it quickly reopens, the cause is probably a defective klystron and replacement klystron should be used.


  1. Electronic Cabinet
    The cabinet at the extreme left of the base contains the power supply, amplifier, meter and other electronic instrumentation required to operate the kit. The meter on the face of the cabinet is used to measure power, attenuation and voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) in the various experiments. The AUDIO VOLUME control sets the level of an audio signal which is proportional to the meter reading. The frequency of the audio signal can be set at either 1000 or 60 Hz by means of a switch at the rear of the cabinet. The ELECTRONIC TUNING dial selects the frequency of the microwaves, which can be tuned continuously between 9.4 and 10.0 GHz. See experiment 19 for details on tuning the KLYSTRON. The REPELLER VOLTAGE dial adjusts the power output of the klystron which a maximum output of 10 milliwatts. A CIRCUIT BREAKER is located at the rear of the cabinet and will open if an overload occurs. Jacks are located at the rear of the cabinet for external modulation and for using an oscilloscope with the kit.
  2. Klystron
    The klystron is used to generate the microwaves. It receives low frequency energy from the power supply and converts it to microwave energy. The microwave energy is transmitted into the waveguide by an antenna attached to the cavity of the klystron and protruding into the waveguide from the bottom of the tube. For more details see Experiment 19, Tuning the Klystron.
  3. Variable Flap Attenuator
    This is used for the power level in the microwave system. Energy incident on this card causes it to be heated and dissipate wave energy. The greater the penetration of the card into the r.f. field, the greater the dissipation of energy and the attenuation. The attenuator is calibrated in decibels, i.e.,

    db of attenuation = 10 log10(Pi/Po)

    where Pi = power input and Po power output.
  4. Frequency Meter
    The frequency of the transmitted signal is measured by a cavity wavemeter and indicated on the frequency meter. It is measured by absorption of the r.f. energy which is coupled through a hole in the waveguide into the cavity. The size of the cavity is adjustable by a micrometer screw whose readings are converted into frequency. Details are given in experiment 18.
  5. Slotted Line and Sliding Probe
    This component is provided in order to make measurements of the standing waves and investigate the characteristics of the field in the waveguide. Energy does not radiate through the slot because it is positioned exactly in the middle of the broad wall where there are no transverse currents, and where it does not disturb the waveguide modes. The probe has a pick-up antenna in the waveguide energizing a microwave diode mounted above the slot. As the probe is moved along the slot, the intensity of the r.f. electric field is seen to go from a maximum to a minimum in sinusoidal fashion. By measuring the distance between successive maxima or minima, the wavelength of the signal in the waveguide can be obtained. In addition, the Voltage Standing Wave Ration (VSWR) can be measured in this way, as is described in Experiment 7.
  6. Waveguide Horn
    Horns are provided in order to match the impedance of the waveguide to that of air and to direct the radiated energy.
  7. Waveguide Crystal Detector
    This component detects the received power. The signal is picked up by a crystal diode which ultimately produces an audio signal and a deflection on the meter. This diode is a solid state device which converts the r.f. energy to a D.C. voltage. The r.f. energy cannot be measured directly on a meter, so it is rectified by the action of the diode to a pulsating D.C. voltage. The current through such a diode is proportional to the square of the potential across it, therefore, the meter indication is proportional to the intensity of radiation and the relative power level.


The following is a list of some possible demonstrations. Many of these are explained on the "Chart of Electromagnetic Radiation".
  1. Reflection by Insulators
    Place the small gain horns on the transmitter and receiver, attach the coaxial cable to the receiver assembly and place the receiver at the 25 cm mark on the long scale. Adjust the attenuator to give a meter reading of 80. Now move the receiver on the board to a position a shown below. Insert a test material as shown and note the effect. The test material can be wood, cardboard, cloth, wet or dry sponge, glass, etc.


  2. Reflection by Conductors
    Same demonstration as #1, except test materials are metal sheets, mirrors, etc. Note the difference in the effect between experiments #1 and #2.
  3. Law of Reflection
    With the small gain horns on the transmitter and receiver and the coaxial cable attached to the receiver, place the receiver at the 25 cm mark and adjust the variable flap attenuator to give a meter reading of 80. Insert the mirror in the accessory stand and position it and the receiver on the board as shown in the diagram below, with the mirror opposite the 13 cm mark. Starting with the mirror at a 90º angle to the direction of propagation, slowly rotate it toward the receiver until a maximum on the meter is observed. At this point, one can verify that the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection.


  4. Refraction
    With the small gain horns on the transmitter and receiver and the coaxial cable connected to the receiver, place the receiver at the 25 cm mark and adjust the variable flap attenuator to give a meter reading of about 60. Keeping the horizontal distance between the horns constant, elevate the receiver assembly about one inch by placing it on a wood block. Note the meter reading in this position. Now place the refraction block between the horns as shown below and note the increase in the meter reading.


  5. Polarization

    Place the receiver along the graduated scale and insert the analyzer grid between the transmitter and receiver with the slots horizontal. Slowly rotate the analyzer about a horizontal axis and note the meter indication.
    Now place the slots horizontal but with the plane of the grid at an angle to the centerline, as in the diagram in experiment 3. Vary this angle by rotating the grid about a vertical axis, and note the meter readings. Repeat the experiment with the slots in the grid vertical.
  6. AttenuationPlace the receiver along the graduate scale and decrease the attenuator in steps to check the meter readings versus the equation db = 10 log10(P/Po).
  7. VSWR Measurement
    VSWR is the ratio of the maximum voltage of the transmitted waves to the reflected waves in the waveguide. Reflected waves are undesirable since they cause a decrease in the output power. A perfect transmission line has no reflected waves, however, real waveguides have both mechanical and electrical mismatches. The VSWR gives a picture of this mismatch to which microwave devices are very sensitive.
    Connect the coaxial cable to the pin-jack on the sliding probe. Start at the extreme right end of the slotted line and slide the probe along its rails noting the meter deflections. Adjust the attenuator to give a meter deflection of 100 at a maximum. Move the probe to a minimum and read the VSWR on the lower scale of the meter.
    Repeat the experiment with a mirror placed over the transmitting horn.
  8. Transmission in Rectangular Waveguide

    The field patterns in the waveguide are shown on the "Chart of Electromagnetic Radiation". Place the receiver at the 24 cm mark and attenuator at 20 db. Insert the piece of rectangular waveguide between the horns with its broad and narrow walls in the same planes as the broad and narrow walls of the main waveguide. Note the effect.
  9. Cut-Off in Rectangular Waveguide
    This demonstration is the same as #8, except that the piece of rectangular waveguide is rotated about the horizontal axis of the waveguide by 90º so that its narrow walls are in the same plane as the broad walls of the main waveguide. The result illustrates that cut-off occurs in the waveguide when the dimension of the waveguide perpendicular to the electric field vector is less than one-half wavelength.
  10. Electromagnetic Field Configuration in Rectangular Waveguide
    Place the receiver along the graduated scale at the 21 cm mark. Place the attenuator-phase shifter card into the accessory stand with the attenuator up, and slide the stand along the graduated scale toward the transmitting horn. The tapered end of the attenuator will enter the transmitting horn to the point where the white support touches the lip of the horn. Taking care not to interrupt the r.f. field, slide the stand across the horn from one end to the other. The meter should go form a maximum a tone side to a minimum at the center to a maximum at the other side.

  11. Transmission in Circular Waveguide
    The field configurations in circular waveguide are shown on the Chart of Electromagnetic Radiation. To demonstrate propagation in this type of waveguide, place the receiver at 24 cm and adjust the variable flap attenuator to obtain a meter reading of 20. Insert the large diameter waveguide between the horns and observe the effect.
  12. Cutoff in Circular Waveguide
    Same as demonstration #11, except small diameter circular waveguide is used.
  13. Transmission in Dielectric Waveguide
    Same as demonstration #11 except circular plastic waveguide is used.
  14. Changing Direction of Transmission Path
    Substitute the 90º waveguide bend for the transmitting horn connecting the unthreaded flange to the main waveguide so that the bend points toward the back of the board. Connect the transmitting horn to the threaded flange of the waveguide bend. To investigate reflections due to the bend, perform the VSWR measurement as in demonstration #7 and compare the results.
  15. Gain Horns (Impedance Matching)
    Two types of gain horns are supplied with the kit. The small horn gain is 8.4 db and the gain of the large horn is 18 db. Hence, the directivity of the larger horns is much better as well as being able to transmit over longer distances. In addition, the impedance match between the waveguide and free space is improved with the large horn.
    To illustrate impedance matching, disconnect the horn from the transmitter and measure the VSWR of the main waveguide without a horn as described in experiment #7. Repeat the experiment with each of the gain horns attached and compare the results. (High VSWR indicates high impedance mismatch.)
    This can also be shown with the receiver. With the small horns on the transmitter and receiver, place the receiver at the 23 cm mark. Connect the coaxial cable to the receiver. Set the meter at zero db using the variable flap attenuator. Then, remove the horns, move the receiver to the 12.5 cm mark (same distance between aperatures) and note the difference.

  16. Long Range Transmission (Inverse Square Law, Near Field and Far Field Effects)
    In the far-field (or Fraunhofer) region, the intensity of the radiation emitted by the horn decreases inversely as the square of the distance from the Horn. Closer to the horn in the near-field region (or Fresnel Zone) the decrease is not as rapid. The Fresnel zone extends to a distance of about 2D2/l from the horn where D is the effective aperature of the horn (D = 2.5 cm for a small horn, D = 10 cm for the large horn).
    To demonstrate these effects, connect the small horns to the instrument and place the receiving horn 1 cm from the transmitting horn. Adjust the attenuator to give a meter reading of 100% (0 db). Move the receiver to the other separations (2 cm, 4 cm, etc.) and record the meter readings.
    Repeat with large horns but start at a separation of 10 cm and move to 20 cm, 40 cm, etc. It will be necessary to place the receiver on a tripod.
  17. Gain Horn Patterns
    Attach the 90º waveguide bend to the transmitter and the high-gain horns to the transmitter and receiver. Place the receiver on a tripod. At a distance of about 8 feet, align the horns as to line-of-sight and height. Vary the horizontal angle of the receiver assembly so to maximize the meter reading. Call this point 0º and adjust the attenuator to give a meter reading of 100. Turn the receiver through +/- 20º recording meter readings at increments corresponding to changes of 10% in level. Record readings and their corresponding angles and plot results on a polar plot.
    Repeat for small horns at a spacing of 3 feet.
  18. Frequency Measurement
    The micrometer screw on the board adjusts the length of a right circular cylinder which acts as a cavity resonator. It can be used to measure the frequency of the microwave radiation as follows.
    Adjust the attenuator to give a reading of about 80 and slowly turn the micrometer barrel from its maximum position. At the point where a dip in the output occurs, move the micrometer screw back and forth to establish the minimum reading. Record this reading and look up the frequency in the chart supplied with the instrument. Be sure that the Electronic Tuning knob is OFF when doing this measurement.
  19. Tuning the Klystron
    The size of the klystron cavity and, hence, its operating frequency can be changed by the Electronic Tuning control. This control causes heating of a bimetallic bow which is connected by rods to the klystorn cavity. To change the operating frequency of the klystron, turn the control on and set at the desired frequency on the dial, wait one minute for stabilization and adjust the repeller voltage for maximum output. Measure the frequency with the cavity frequency meter.
  20. Wavelength in Free Space
    Remove the coaxial plug from the receiver and connect to the sliding probe. Position the receiver assembly at the 14 cm mark. This will act as a reflector to set up standing waves in the waveguide. Adjust the attenuator to give a meter reading of about 60. Move the receiver to the right to a minimum of the meter, then continue to the next minimum. The difference in the scale readings at these two minima is equal to one-half the wavelength of the microwave radiation infree space.
  21. Wavelength in Waveguide
    The wavelength in the waveguide, lg, is related to the wavelength in free space, l, by

    lg = l / ( 1 - (l/2a)2 )1/2

    where a = broad wall dimensions of waveguide = 2.286 cm. To measure the wavelength lg, connect the coaxial cable to the sliding probe, remove the transmitting horn and clamp the analyzer grid with the slots vertical to the end of the waveguide. This acts as a reflector to set up standing waves. Slide the probe along the slotted line to locate a maximum, at which point adjust the attenuator to give a meter reading of 100. Then find the distance between two successive minima by sliding the probe along the slotted line and observing the meter readings. This distance is equal to one-half the wavelength lg. Verify this result by substituting l as found in experiment 20 into the above equation.
    The experiment can be repeated at different frequencies by tuning the klystron as described in experiment 19.
  22. Phase Shift
    Insertion of dielectric material into the waveguide can cause a phase shift in the wave pattern in the slotted line. This phase shift can be measured as follows.
    Attach the coaxial line to the sliding probe, adjust the attenuator to give a meter reading of 60, and position the receiver at 14 cm on the long scale. This acts as a reflector to set up standing waves. Measure the wavelength as described in experiment 21. Then move the probe slowly from left to right and locate the position of the first minimum. Insert the phase shifter laterally into the extreme right hand end of the slotted line, and locate the new position from 2px/lg where x = the separation of the minima found with and without the phase shifter in the slotted line.
  23. Single-Slit Diffraction
    To demonstrate diffraction of the microwaves, remove the transmitting horn from the end of the waveguide, and place a piece of aluminum foil over the output end of the waveguide in which a slit has been cut of width equal to 0.2 l. Connect the coaxial line to the receiver, place the receiver at the 14 cm mark, and adjust the attenuator to give a meter reading of 60. Move the receiver in an arc around the end of the waveguide and note the meter readings.
  24. Double-Slit Interference
    Interference between coherent sources is illustrated as follows. Place the right-angle waveguide bend and high-gain horn on the end of the waveguide so that the horn faces toward the front of the board. Prepare from a good reflector (aluminum foil, sheet metal) a sheet about one foot square with a pair of slits in it which are one-half wavelength wide and separated by a distance of two wavelengths measured from the center of each slit. Secure this sheet to the end of the high-gain horn with the slits vertical, taking care to center the slits in the aperature of the horn. Place the receiver assembly on a tripod without the high-gain horn and investigate the interference pattern by moving the receiver horizontally across the transmitting horn.
  25. Interference Between Two Remote Sources
    Place a high-gain horn on the end of the waveguide and on the receiver. Place the receiver on a tripod at a distance of about 3 feet from the receiver and at the same height. Place the small mirror into the component stand in a vertical position and at a distance of about 6 inches in front of the transmitting horn, centered in the aperature of the horn. Adjust the attenuator to give a meter reading of 80 without the mirror in place, then insert the mirror and rotate it to an angle such that the meter reading drops to 40.


    Place a large reflector (mirror or metal plate) about one foot square at a position where it reflects the signal received from the small mirror into the receiver. By observing the meter, one can tell when the signal is being reflected into the receiver. When this occurs, the meter reading will increase. By carefully moving the large reflector in the direction of the arrow, the received signal can be observed to go through a series of maxima and minima.
  26. Thin Film Interference
    This demonstration requires constructing a half-reflecting surface about one foot square from a grid of wires. Make the separation between the wires about 1.2 x 1.2 cm.
    With the small gain horns in place, and the coaxial cable connected to the receiver, place the receiver alongside the transmitter on the board as shown below. Place a mirror in the accessory stand and position it at the 20 cm mark on the long scale. Maximize the meter reading by moving the mirror perpendicular to the long scale. Now place the half-reflecting grid in front of the mirror. By sliding the mirror parallel to the long scale, a series of minima and maxima will be observed corresponding to destructive and constructive interference between the waves reflected from the two surfaces.


  27. Michelson's Interferometer
    The operation of Michelson's interferometer can be illustrated with the grid described in experiment 26 and two polished aluminum sheets each about one foot square. Distance in this experiment must be measured carefully.
    With the high-gain horns attached to the transmitter and receiver, and the coaxial cable connected to the receiver, place the receiver assembly on a tripod.
    Using the two polished aluminum sheets as reflectors and the half-reflecting surface described in experiment 26, arrange the components as shown in the diagram below, the half-reflecting surface midway between the receiver and reflector A and at a 45º angle with the direction of the incident radiation. The lines OA, OB, OT and OR all are two feet long. Adjust the receiver laterally to obtain a maximum signal and set the attenuator to give a meter reading of 50. By moving the reflector B along the line OB, the meter will pass through a series of maxima and minima. The distance between successive maxima or minima is one-half a wavelength.


  28. Operation of Radar
    One of the elementary principles of radar can be demonstrated in the following way. Attach the right angle bend to the transmitter and the high-gain horns to the transmitter and receiver. Position them as shown in the diagram below, using wood blocks to support the horns at the same level. Place a reflecting body in front of the horns and thereby reflect microwave energy into the receiver horn. Note the change in the meter reading. It should be pointed out by the demonstrator that actual radar operation requires a trigger circuit to determine the range of the reflecting body.


  29. Demonstration of Doppler
    The frequency shift due to motion of the reflecting body relative to the receiver can be illustrated using the set up described in experiment 28. Switch off the internal modulation (audio) and move the reflecting body rapidly back and forth. If no signal is received, rotate the Repeller Voltage control until a meter indication results. (The Klystron is now operating CW and this will require precise adjustment of the Repeller Voltage). Note the resultant frequencies as a result of the fanning motion of the reflector.
  30. Weather Detection
    The microwave properties of rain (water) can be demonstrated in the following ways.
    With the small gain horns in place, position the receiver assembly at 22 cm on the long scale and adjust the attenuator to give a meter reading of 80. Note the difference in meter indication when first a dry sponge and then a damp sponge is inserted between the horns. Remove the sponge and place an empty water glass between the horns. Because of the slight focusing effect of the glass, move it back and forth along the scale to obtain a maximum meter reading. Now fill the glass with water and note the effect. Finally, set up the apparatus to observe reflections from the wet sponge (experiments 1 and 2).
  31. Microwave Relays
    When microwave energy is transmitted through space, a continuous wave (CW) is sent from transmitter to receiver. Without modulation, no information is contained in this wave other than its frequency. To transmit information, the klystron output must be modulated, such as with pulses or with voice as in a microwave relay used in long distance telephone transmission.
    To illustrate voice modulation, insert a phone plug which is connected to a voice coil into the jack marked EXT. MOD. (On some recorders and phonographs, there is a output marked External Speaker. The modulation can be taken directly from there rather than connecting to a voice coil). Place the receiver alongside the long scale facing the transmitter to produce an audio output. The volume can be controlled either at the tape recorder or at the volume control on the set. Once the audio is obtained, interrupt the path of transmission with a non-transparent substance and note the effect.

Created by Brian Bunton.
Copyright 1998, Raymond C. Turner. All rights reserved.
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Clemson University
Last updated: July 27, 1998